


Hi, I'm graph100. Welcome to my website. See the updates to understand what is going on here. Find my projects down below:


Date 3/3/25

Added some music to SongObs, added a recording of my solo at My Music (and updated the index page accordingly), and I learned that there is a glitch (i say that as if i didnt write the code) in my SongObs data analysis where the last song of each month listed will not count. I solved this with the Very Ingenious Method (putting a blank list item at the beginning of the end of every month). I think at this point, I have become anti-HTML (in my practices) because this shit is not static, not simple, and edging on bloat. I hate boring so I will continue to eliminate all semblance of the aesthetic of elegance in my way.

Date 27/2/25

Kinda got in a rut there lol. Kept forgetting my dreams, not making anything new, swamped in my personal and school life, the list goes on. Anyways, I added a new song to SongObs! I love my public radio.

Date 15/2/25

Added another dream. I also fixed the link to the LukPlus website. I got super obsessed with that website a couple years ago when I was big into y2k and it's really sad to see it go. I mean, LukPlus hasn't existed in years, and they didn't make any really lasting games. I still hate to see it though.

Date 14/2/25

Happy Valentine's Day! Added 3 dreams and 6 songs.

Date 9/2/25

Made sure to keep updating the SongObs page, added 2 new sites under the link collection.

Date 2/2/25

Added 1 (one) song to the SongObs page, fixed a coding error in which I hadn't spelled "February" correctly (i think this is because i spell it febyyary), and reformatted the post 1/1/25 update datestamps because I forgot to format them as DD/MM/YY. Also, I don't think that my school unblocked my website, just that somehow I have special permissions? I think somehow I got GoGuardian (the censorship extension that my school uses) broke and lets me view whatever, so long as it isn't IP banned (some sites are IP banned on my school's wifi, which makes it appear as an unstable connection). Also shout out to the middle schooler who I heard of that was able to bypass the schools system, him (i think they go by he/him, thats what i have heard) and Maya Crimew are the only true hackers. Anyways, upon some reflection, I think I have been on neocities for almost 5 years! I don't know the exact date, so I don't wanna plan or say something definite, but, in spirit, BlackStarGarden has been going on for 5 years. After checking the metadata of some old files I have on my computer, I first used the name "Blackstargarden" on September 30, 2020 from a 5-page zine filled with various flower drawings. Maybe, if I ever grow the balls, I will post that zine, but as with all things from when we were young, it's a little "cringe" or "too edgy". I'm anti-cringe-culture and such but I hold myself to a certain standard nowadays and idk if I wanna post that (I'm already worried that someone irl will view my poetry TvT so scary). Actually, update from 5 seconds later, it wasn't called "Blackstargarden" it was called "Black Star Flowers" (ultimately after that one Radiohead song). I guess when I first settled on the name, I expanded the set of flowers to a garden. Kinda poetic, I like it. In fact, I might actually post it [the zine]. It feels more like an alpha version of my modern ideas of what a website should be. I feel funny. Well, till next time!

Date 24/1/25

Added a link, added some more songs. They finally unblocked my website at school!

Date 8/1/25

Added some more dreams, and added some data analytics to my "Songs I'm Obsessed With" page. I'm really happy with how it turned out. Unfortunately, the data analytics hides the background of the page, but I did add a button to hide it if you don't want to see that.

Date 7/1/24

Added a page to document my dreams also featuring my face! So far I only have 5 dreams written down, but eventually there will be more. The CSS and HTML is probably shit, but it's whatever. I hope to update the picture as time passes (especially because the current picture doesn't depict me very well TvT).

Date 4/1/24

I was going back and scanning some film and pretty much all of the pictures turned out like shit. I'm using Kentmere 400 rn and trying to push it (in this case, +1) but I think I need to leave it in the developer a lot more (its not very strong because I'm using Caffenol but I am only using medium roast coffee). I'm gonna post a few on my Instagram (@graph100), so you can check that out if you really want. I also did a trichrome!

Date 1/1/24

Happy New Years!!! I added a weird background thing to the Photo Gallery page using p5.js. I'm trying to be a bit more bold with my aesthetic choices on this website. I started the design trying to be very brutalist in nature and also very simple. A one-size-fits-all solution to webpages to create a coherant design. I'm trying to add a bit more character with it now to be more bold. You'll probably see more color in the website this year. My only set in stone restriction is that I 100% will not have any sound effects unless it is for an easter egg because I don't like when websites try and play stuff over what I'm already listening to. It's my world and you're just hosting in it. (Further Reading: http://www.bigorrin.org/orrin.htm - bio page of Orrin of BigOrrin, savior of all middleschool students tasked with learning about Native Americans) I'm also working on a page on documenting my dreams.

Date 26/12/24

Merry (late) Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa!! Added mysterious blue bar. I'm trying to do some more things with my web design. Sorry if you are one of the 3 people who don't use Javascript in the year 2024.

Date 18/11/24

I uploaded those photos I said I would 2 weeks ago. Oops. I'm even late on this update, I did that yesterday. Life's been a mega bitch recently and I've been having a hard time being happy and whatnot so cool things haven't been happening in my life. My school unblocked my website for a day but then blocked it the next say so that was something.

Date 2/11/24

Recently digitized some more photos I did, but I have a trip to Quad State Choir (omg i just doxxed my general area in the united states oh no) so I don't feel like starting that tonight, but after that I will probably get to uploading! I'm also working on a zine, so I will probably post that after I finish.

Date 22/10/24

The last update is actually incorrect. I was referring to the "Link Collection" page. I don't feel like changing it tho. It's like a piece of me. I choose to live my life as a performance art piece

Date 1/10/24

Fixed dark mode asterisk on the "Songs I'm Obsessed With" page.

Date 29/9/24

Fixed the "Songs I'm Obsessed With" asterisk because I coded it in a very not smart way. Very "I will refactor later" except by refactor I mean "switch the rendering of the asterisk entirly". At least when I coded it I knew it was not a great method. The beauty of only testing on one device.

Date 27/9/24

Added like 7 more songs to the "Songs I'm Obsessed With" page and spiced up the "Link Collection" page

Date 26/9/24

Added "Eduardo (2024)", a 2-dimensional series of haikus about a child I met while in the A+ program at my high school. They way I wrote it I intended there to be 2 endings to the poem, giving a slightly different feeling when you read each. I used haiku more as a "limitation breeds creativity" deal. I'm not really good at poetry but having that limit helps me think outside of the box and make something good.

Date 21/9/24

Did some reworking on the Link Collection page, and added some new stuff there. I've been doing some experimental camerawork, and I might upload some of it here. (UPDATE: A FEW HOURS LATER) I just finished developing the photos, and I'm surprised anything came out. def a learning experience.

Date 15/9/24 (again lol)

Uploaded my July 2024 photos finally! Also, I added a thumbnail for each series. Hopefully this makes the photo gallery page less awkward. I have a big photography plan coming up, but idk when I'll finish it. I'm still developing some of the things I wanna shoot.

Date 15/9/24

It's been a while! School's been a bitch so I haven't been having a ton of motivation or time to work on this but I'm getting back into it! I redid the photogallery and now have my pictures up from my pensacola vacation. I've also tried to keep the "Songs I'm Obsessed With" page going strong, but I keep forgetting to update it. The situation is: at school they blocked neocities entirely, so no websites from neocities and no neocities.org. The only way I can work on my website is by doing it on my phone, which I have tried, but is very difficult when you want to do something more than text. Also I just forget to update that page TvT. Nevertheless I still love this place.

Date 26/8/24

FINALLY I'M ABLE TO PUT MY PHOTOS HERE!!! THIS HAS BEEN SUCH A LONG TIME COMING I'M SO HAPPY! So far I just have the photos from my first day of school but more will be coming soon!!! This is super awesome!

Date 20/8/24

Just bought a film scanner, so hopefully I'll get some pictures in soon. Planning to have a selection of ~8 background photos for this page that are selected randomly each time you load the page.
Speaking of loading the page, I should mention that when you switch from dark mode or light mode, it refreshes the page. Idk if that means anything to anyone, but yeah.

Date 15/8/24

Put those small writings into "Fragments", so they could be better organized. Also cleaned them up a bit, and made them double spaced for readability. I just checked the page to see if it works fine with dark mode and it gives such a 17776 vibe. I love it!!!! Fixed a few weird links and the like.

Date 14/8/24

I think its funny because I've been worrying that I'm not updating this section of the website enough, but then I remember I literally updated it 5 days ago last, and I've taken months gaps before.

I also added "I Called Out to an Exoplanet", a very short story, along with "Lady in the Red Shirt", a true story.
I wrote "I Called Out to an Exoplanet" last night at like 3:00am so I'm adding all this stuff an a notably later time, but it is still the same date.
I dated both works because I figured that would be important.

Date 9/8/24

Made the "Songs I'm Obsessed With" page so I can show yall my fire music taste. Also, if you've checked my neocities account page, you'll see I'm cooking up smth fresh. Not much to say today, but I'm still in love with my website!

Date 3/8/24

Finally made a decent version of the darkmode/lightmode switch. I'm only going to have the switch on the homepage because I don't feel like copying and pasting it to every page (my code's already messy enough). I also redid the styling of the camera page. That's still going to be one that I have to constantly figure out the identity of.

Date 2/8/24

Made the guestbook hide, and added a page containing my favorite links. Still need to finish the darkmode yet.

Date 21/7/24

Re-added the guestbook. I figured if I was going to post about it on my tumblr, I should probably put that back. Re-styled it to match the rest of the website. I should probably make a button to hide it lol

Date 18/7/24

Working on an inverted palette for this website. I'm thinking of some personalization features so the website is more accessible, so the first thing I wanna do is make a dark mode and make it so that you can enable the dyslexia font.
Can you believe they charge for that? Theres two fonts that I found that are designed to help people with dyslexia, Dyslexie, and OpenDyslexic. They call it a product on the Dyslexie website, which it is, but it's less of a product and more of an aid. Unfortunately, in this world aids for disabilities are still considered products, and my upset with this isn't much different then an upset on the price of insulin or the fact that you have to renew the mirror thing for when you have walking problems. I don't remember what it's all called, but I just remember my mom had one.
Anyways, I don't have a need to use accessibility features, so if you have any suggestions, tell me @graph100 on discord or tumblr. Soon I'll have more background images for the homepage once I develop my photos from vacation. I think I'm going to buy an Epson v600 soon, so that would be cool.
I also definitely need to redo my camera webpage. I have like 5 more cameras I have to add and honestly, it's an ugly webpage. I feel weird cause I don't really vibe aesthetically for other websites on neocities, and I think it's a little overdone sometimes. There are some super cool webpages out there! but it's just not for me. I don't wanna go *too* hypermodern brutalist etc., but I wanna do something simple and unique, and something that I can understand.
I think updates on the website will come little by little. I have a photography project that I'll put here once I'm finished, but thats the only thing I have in mind. I have an essay I kinda started writing, but idk if I'll keep up with it. I'd love to make some web art, but I don't have any ideas yet. I have a rugby game that I'm kinda making. No idea what direction I'm going in right now. Just hoping I'll finish something.

Date 16/7/24

Done some more aesthetic fixings. I added that black and white photography I did just as a placeholder for now. I plan to put better pictures there. Also, theyre all gonna be low contrast and blown out like that for aesthetic purposes. I'll post good versions of the photos on a different page once I get a batch that I'm proud of. So far all of my developed photos are just me fucking around on Kentmere 400 with a camera about as old as my grandpa (still yet to be posted on my camera collections page, I'll get back to that when I'm home from vacation). A lot of it is just seeing what I can do with photography. I'm also all developing it with Caffenol. All digitizations are just me taking phone camera pictures on a light table and trying to get more contrast in paint.net (although I have more sensible plans to not blow out the contrast on m photos).
Oops, tangent. Well, if you've ever talked to me (or read my website or tumblr for that matter), you'd know thats nothing out of the ordinary.
Remember when I said I had something cooking for 491? I'm sure you'll be surprised to find out that it didn't end up being anything. I think I will ditch what is "491", as I didn't really have a clear vision for the content, but definitely the bits and pieces of what I wanted to make with it will still be there. I will have to put more fun things in the sandbox. I'm so happy for making that. It's like a sketchbook for html.

Date 15/7/24

Doing a litle bit of reorganization. Been inspired recently to do some more net art. I think I will use music more. I get too worried about finishing songs. I think I'll just make small bits and pieces. I've never been afraid of repetition. I love messing around with my looper pedals, I like the yume nikki soundtrack, I like Steve Reich, etc. etc., so this will work.
I've def been influenced by Steve Reich's "Music as a Gradual Process" and the Fluxus movement, so maybe I'll take that into consideration. Temporarily removing my "Articles/Essays" page because I really thought I would do more with that than I actually have. Def I'll write stuff poco a poco but nothing soon.
I had a project on a backburner for that that maybe I'll come back too, but def I'll have to chop and screw bits of it because it was just written in one session. I drafted it in google docs, but I also wanted it to be made inherintly as a hypermedia experience, so that was limiting (bad way). I also should finish my traversal of Uncle Buddy's Phantom Funhouse first. I planned to make a video essay of it, but maybe I will just post smth here.

Date 1/7/24

Feeling quite well today. I've been doing some little updates here and there on my website. I removed the link to 491 to keep it a bit more private. My aesthetic tastes have changed, and I'd like for my website to reflect that. Maybe I'll write an opinion peice about that. I want more multimedia and I want my website to be easy to browse, so I think I'll prioritize that.
Also I think ill stylize the name to BlackStarGarden now.

Date 18/6/24

It's late and I'm tired so I'm gonna skip the floral talk and get to the point. I got some ideas for what I wanna do. I've made some recent crazy changes (switch font to helvetica). Not 100% sure the direction I wanna take the site. Def gonna keep it tho. Getting rid of the music collection page and instead I'll just redirect to my Discogs because I'm too lazy to take pictures of all of my music. I have some hyper-obscure shit so I might post that somewhere but that will come later.
I also wanna put more of my art and photography here, so maybe I'll work on adding that soon. I also have been doing a little bit of work on 491, so maybe that will come out in the next few years. This webpage isn't dead!

Date 1/5/24

I cant believe it has been 4 months since I last updated the website properly! Oh how the time flies! If you have stalked my neocities page, you might have seen my hypertext essay project. I plan to finish that eventually, but I don't have much motivation right now. Recently, my school has blocked all neocities website. I don't know if I can place all of the blame on my school specifically, but somehow or another I can't access my website on my school computer. This has definitely helped worsen my working on this website. Let it be known, I have been thinking about this website quite alot through these past 4 months, and it has not left my mind, with great new ideas brewing.
I've gotten more into photography recently, and finally got to digitizing my photos, so I might post those here soon. I would like to at least get permission from my friend who I photographed first. They're nothing super special, mainly just me trying to see if it all works. I started shooting medium format (Kentmere 400 120) and it's actually been coming out quite well. I also have more project ideas, I just need to like, put them into action.
I have like 2 essays in the works right now, a weird sound-novel-esque epic I still need to flesh out the basic premise of, and great hopes for music bands. Definitely if I finish any more music ideas I will post them here. I made an instrumental track that I'd like to put vocals on so if I ever do I will post it here. I also want to start learning composition as that is what I would like to do with my future, so maybe you will see some sheet music posted soon. I hesitate to say "big things are coming," but do expect something, as it isn't nothing (am I Dante or Beowulf Poet?) I don't know yet how I would like to aesthetically design this website, but I think as it stands now it is a decent blueprint. It like to keep portal/index pages like this one rather bare and brutalist in design, as I like that style and it is quite versetile, especially on web. As for my other pages, I would like to have them have unique designs (see: my camera collection webpage)
Also, if you couldn't see it, I have kinda been basing this website off of old personal website, of which I am most familiar with webpages of college professors, so if you would like to contact me, please message my discord @graph100

Date 14/1/24

Lol I definitely planned for OBELISK 491 to go over better. I think I got lost in conceptual thinking instead of having an actual idea of what I wanted to actually do. Hopefully I'll finish it though. I still like the idea, but I just ran out of inspirational fuel. The songs I made for it kinda sucked though. The coding was cool though. I still have project ideas that will hopefully be fun for yall to enjoy.
I fixed the Niche Webring too!! I've been brewing ideas and I think I'd like to return to some of the ideas that I started when I first thought of the Niche Webring. I think I need to embrace the "shorter, lesser quality games but faster (AND I MEAN IT)" mentallity more. Sorry if my words are bad. I don't know how to spell mentality. I don't remember what website or media I visited but there was something that I saw that inspired me to design the Niche Web homepage the way I did. I don't know if the Niche Webring will ever garner much attention, but hopefully it can be a fun little movement that inspires at least a few people.
I've been doing a lot of music stuff and I've been workshopping a cool track for the past week or two so I'm planning on finishing it up soon an uploading it here. I also wanna document my collections, mainly my camera collection, so hopefully I can bring that to action soon. I love playing my bass and I might make a cover of Jaco Pastorius' "Continuum" with a friend on piano maybe, and a cover of J.J. Johnson's "Kelo", however these are some daunting tasks and I don't know if I'll ever do them justice. I also wanna start learning K'iche' because there are some people in my city/at my school from Guatamala and that gives me reason enough to learn something like K'iche'. I might make a blog documenting my process.

Anyways I think I'm going to work on that camera thing.

Date: 19/12/23

Yes, I deleted my website and restarted again. This is like my 6th time. At least I left "flowers-era" BLACKSTARGARDEN around for a while. I've been needing to do something about this website for a while though. I did download and archive of the website before I deleted everything, but I don't know if I want to host it. Couldn't perminantly delete the memories forever.
I do plan to continue the Niche Webring, and I think my original plan for Occulta will evolve into something else. The loveletters series I think will turn into me writting essays as I mature as a "writer". Hopefully I live up to that promise though. Don't get your hopes up.
For now I will keep my main website barebones until I get a better idea of what I want to do with it. I've been getting better at organizing my programming projects, so hopefully that will help me in the future. That's really why I deleted it all. I just piled on new ideas on top of unfinished ones, never closing off loose ends and creating a hodgepodge of unfullfilled dreams. Hopefully I can keep my scope smaller so I don't have to do this again.
Right now I will primarily use this website to host my projects. Any finished games I make or other projects I would like to put here. I started over again with the same BLACKSTARGARDEN because I need to have somewhere to host my next big idea, but I didn't want to dedicate the entire webpage to it. Hopefully you will be able to see my multimedia projects, essays in text or video form, art, games, blogposts, music, or whatever. I'm very multi-faceted (if I can spell that correct even), and I can't dedicate myself to just one niche.
Again, I want to keep the Niche Webring going, but for now it is on hiatus. Maybe I will re-publish the manifesto page for it later. I'm kinda unhappy with my webring code and the way I set it up, so hopefully I can fix it in future. As far as I know, I still agree with all of the principals though, so maybe this website will be like a new embodiment of the idea of the Niche Webring.
Right now, I don't expect this website to get super popular. I'm going full ideosyncratic with it. Hopefully if you get enjoyment out of my projects, you'll share them with people. I don't think I will promote BLACKSTARGARDEN on it's own though. It's more of just an online storage for my ideas. Later though, I might make BLACKSTARGARDEN an experience on it's own. Again, don't get your hopes up.
For now, periodically check up here. I always have big ideas and I love sharing them with the world. Maybe this website as it is now could be "an experience". OBELISK 491 is my next project, and I don't really wanna spoil anything, but it's gonna be meta. I don't wanna say *super* meta, but meta nonetheless. I think if I give up on the project, I'll just pass it off as a part of the story and it's just super meta. Being meta is always cool. Anyways, enjoy!