Fragments (2024)

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A collection of small fragments of writings. Some could be considered poetry, but I don't know the subject well enough to say so. Some are based in reality, others arent.

I Called Out to an Exoplanet

I called out to an exoplanet. I asked it if it could be habitable for us.
It asked why. I told the exoplanet that it was beautiful, and that I would love to visit.
It accepted my request, and I went.

Lady in the Red Shirt

A brief moment ago, a lady in a red shirt came in to buy some candy
She used a $1 coupon we gave out almost a year ago. She acted simultaniously young and old.
The smell of weed followed her as she left the store.


The color of my shark plush is a rich cyan, reminiscant of an Alabama beach's coastal water.
Fitting, for a sea creature.
Alabama beaches are relatively free of sharks; when I went to the Emerald Coast, I was warned of sharks.
Maybe the shark should be colored green.