This is my longest written dream so far!

DATE: January 6, 2024

This dream takes place at my grandma on my mom's side's house (to clarify: the house of the mother of my mother), which is a place that my family and I rarely go as it is a 6+ hour drive away. We typically only go once or twice a year. In this particular scenario, we just so happened to be there. It was snowy outside (which I am 100% sure is because in real life the large snow front hit my city) and about 3 hours ago I had taken off my big winter clothes. I basically had done a net nothing since I got to the home, only making brief introductions and playing on my phone (this all happened before the actual dream took place, you know how it is.) My immediate family and I were called up to get on our clothes and go back outside, as we were to take a family photo. I was reluctant to get back on all of those clothes, but I had no choice. The plan was that my aunt wanted a photo of everyone in the family layed out as a giant circle, with a slice out resembling a pizza. I didn't expect there to be many people present but when I got outside there was certainly over a hundred people waiting. I met up with some friends I know from school, who aren't actually related to me, but either in a previous dream or the dreams concoction of a previous dream, this had been made apperant. We said "hello" and such and then it became time to take the picture.

I laid down and had to contort my body in such a way to not make too awkward of a position for the other people, making it just bearable enough for a picture. By now the dream had shifted entirely (as a dream does) and the weather was like a nice 70° Fahrenheit summer day and everyone was dressed as such. I closed my eyes because even though I wasn't looking into the sun, the sky was still too bright to my liking. I then entered an episode of sleep paralysis. I held myself close to my bed, being sure not to try to move a single muscle. I had this doom-filled sense of the possibility of gravity being reversed, and if I lost my grip (of which there was none, but I felt as if I was holding myself to my bed) I would fall infinitely to my death. I also tried not to move because I felt like this would ruin the photo. This lasted for a little while and then I realized I was dreaming, relaxed my muscles, and woke up.

After I awoke, I realized that I was in the exact position as I had made to accommodate my "relatives".