It all started one fateful march 17, 2023. I made a Tumblr post explaining my melencholic desire for creation of new forms of art. I thought that I was shouting into the void, but I was mistaken. After accumulating a grand 3 notes, I was conacted by Raine of Shitty Kickflips fame. He also liked my idea. Together with our shared love of cool things, decided to start the coolest, most niche webring known to man (details may be exaggerated idk). So here we are. Read more to learn what we like to do n stuff.
Some of these concepts are verbal/word-based and it should be known that works can be created in any language, or even no language at all and is just gibberish. Art is free and no bounds should stop you from creating what you love.
I would also like to say that you shouldn't feel limited by the catagories of the things on the list. If you happen to have art inside of the bounds of something found on this page, thats cool, if not thats also cool.