
Hi, I'm graph100. Welcome to my website. See the updates to understand what is going on here. Find my projects down below:


Date 1/5/24

I cant believe it has been 4 months since I last updated the website properly! Oh how the time flies! If you have stalked my neocities page, you might have seen my hypertext essay project. I plan to finish that eventually, but I don't have much motivation right now. Recently, my school has blocked all neocities website. I don't know if I can place all of the blame on my school specifically, but somehow or another I can't access my website on my school computer. This has definitely helped worsen my working on this website. Let it be known, I have been thinking about this website quite alot through these past 4 months, and it has not left my mind, with great new ideas brewing.
I've gotten more into photography recently, and finally got to digitizing my photos, so I might post those here soon. I would like to at least get permission from my friend who I photographed first. They're nothing super special, mainly just me trying to see if it all works. I started shooting medium format (Kentmere 400 120) and it's actually been coming out quite well. I also have more project ideas, I just need to like, put them into action.
I have like 2 essays in the works right now, a weird sound-novel-esque epic I still need to flesh out the basic premise of, and great hopes for music bands. Definitely if I finish any more music ideas I will post them here. I made an instrumental track that I'd like to put vocals on so if I ever do I will post it here. I also want to start learning composition as that is what I would like to do with my future, so maybe you will see some sheet music posted soon. I hesitate to say "big things are coming," but do expect something, as it isn't nothing (am I Dante or Beowulf Poet?) I don't know yet how I would like to aesthetically design this website, but I think as it stands now it is a decent blueprint. It like to keep portal/index pages like this one rather bare and brutalist in design, as I like that style and it is quite versetile, especially on web. As for my other pages, I would like to have them have unique designs (see: my camera collection webpage)
Also, if you couldn't see it, I have kinda been basing this website off of old personal website, of which I am most familiar with webpages of college professors, so if you would like to contact me, please message my discord @graph100

Date 14/1/24

Lol I definitely planned for OBELISK 491 to go over better. I think I got lost in conceptual thinking instead of having an actual idea of what I wanted to actually do. Hopefully I'll finish it though. I still like the idea, but I just ran out of inspirational fuel. The songs I made for it kinda sucked though. The coding was cool though. I still have project ideas that will hopefully be fun for yall to enjoy.
I fixed the Niche Webring too!! I've been brewing ideas and I think I'd like to return to some of the ideas that I started when I first thought of the Niche Webring. I think I need to embrace the "shorter, lesser quality games but faster (AND I MEAN IT)" mentallity more. Sorry if my words are bad. I don't know how to spell mentality. I don't remember what website or media I visited but there was something that I saw that inspired me to design the Niche Web homepage the way I did. I don't know if the Niche Webring will ever garner much attention, but hopefully it can be a fun little movement that inspires at least a few people.
I've been doing a lot of music stuff and I've been workshopping a cool track for the past week or two so I'm planning on finishing it up soon an uploading it here. I also wanna document my collections, mainly my camera collection, so hopefully I can bring that to action soon. I love playing my bass and I might make a cover of Jaco Pastorius' "Continuum" with a friend on piano maybe, and a cover of J.J. Johnson's "Kelo", however these are some daunting tasks and I don't know if I'll ever do them justice. I also wanna start learning K'iche' because there are some people in my city/at my school from Guatamala and that gives me reason enough to learn something like K'iche'. I might make a blog documenting my process.

Anyways I think I'm going to work on that camera thing.

Date: 19/12/23

Yes, I deleted my website and restarted again. This is like my 6th time. At least I left "flowers-era" BLACKSTARGARDEN around for a while. I've been needing to do something about this website for a while though. I did download and archive of the website before I deleted everything, but I don't know if I want to host it. Couldn't perminantly delete the memories forever.
I do plan to continue the Niche Webring, and I think my original plan for Occulta will evolve into something else. The loveletters series I think will turn into me writting essays as I mature as a "writer". Hopefully I live up to that promise though. Don't get your hopes up.
For now I will keep my main website barebones until I get a better idea of what I want to do with it. I've been getting better at organizing my programming projects, so hopefully that will help me in the future. That's really why I deleted it all. I just piled on new ideas on top of unfinished ones, never closing off loose ends and creating a hodgepodge of unfullfilled dreams. Hopefully I can keep my scope smaller so I don't have to do this again.
Right now I will primarily use this website to host my projects. Any finished games I make or other projects I would like to put here. I started over again with the same BLACKSTARGARDEN because I need to have somewhere to host my next big idea, but I didn't want to dedicate the entire webpage to it. Hopefully you will be able to see my multimedia projects, essays in text or video form, art, games, blogposts, music, or whatever. I'm very multi-faceted (if I can spell that correct even), and I can't dedicate myself to just one niche.
Again, I want to keep the Niche Webring going, but for now it is on hiatus. Maybe I will re-publish the manifesto page for it later. I'm kinda unhappy with my webring code and the way I set it up, so hopefully I can fix it in future. As far as I know, I still agree with all of the principals though, so maybe this website will be like a new embodiment of the idea of the Niche Webring.
Right now, I don't expect this website to get super popular. I'm going full ideosyncratic with it. Hopefully if you get enjoyment out of my projects, you'll share them with people. I don't think I will promote BLACKSTARGARDEN on it's own though. It's more of just an online storage for my ideas. Later though, I might make BLACKSTARGARDEN an experience on it's own. Again, don't get your hopes up.
For now, periodically check up here. I always have big ideas and I love sharing them with the world. Maybe this website as it is now could be "an experience". OBELISK 491 is my next project, and I don't really wanna spoil anything, but it's gonna be meta. I don't wanna say *super* meta, but meta nonetheless. I think if I give up on the project, I'll just pass it off as a part of the story and it's just super meta. Being meta is always cool. Anyways, enjoy!